SMS Marketing in Maldives
Powercampaigner offers SMS marketing in Maldives. We initiated usage of SMS marketing for advertising in Maldives. Bulk SMS marketing is a way of advertising a product or service for large list of recipients using SMS message. Similarly you can promote your business in Maldives and around the world. So you can communicate to your customers easy and get more reach.
We have more than 128 000+ contacts sorted in to range of categories for SMS marketing campaigns in Maldives. You can contact us with your requirement and select the database accordingly.
We have wide range of contacts from all operators and majority from Dhiraagu and Ooredoo Maldives.
LKR 6 for 25000 – 50000 SMS and
LKR 5 for 50000- 100000 SMS.
(with the senders name)
LKR 4 for 25000 – 50000 SMS and
LKR 5 for 50000 – 100000 SMS
(without senders name)
Contact us for SMS marketing campaigns related to specially selected segments. ( Ex. A/L students, O/L Students, Professionals, etc )

Special databases for Bulk SMS in Maldives: Professionals ( Separately like Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer etc ) HR People, Investors. CSR, Religious, Various industries ( Separately like Garment, Construction, Hospitality fields ). VIPs, Frequent Importers, Exporters, Clubs, Societies ( Separately like Lions Club, Rotary Club, Blood Donors etc). Financially categorized ( Like Credit Card, FD holders according to limit etc), Education Levels (O/L, A/L, Degree, Post graduate etc )
We can not assure or responsible for the response you will receive after the SMS campaign. It is totally depending on the delivery time and the contents of your advertisement. But we can provide GSM report after 72 hours. As well as the SMS campaign delivery report includes numbers of deliveries and returns.